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FaceParty, what I think comes from the definition, sit on my face and party, is a website dedicated to the communication of young and old alike.
What people decide to communicate is up to themself, hence the abdication of any form of intelligent life or originality. Once you create a profile on faceparty users can specify certain characteristics about themself and most importantly upload a picture (meant to be their face, but some morons do not understand this concept).
If you truely decide you want to embrace the culture of faceparty I'm affraid you either have to be a randy teenager , council dirty, or simply rather dull. Excluding myself of course, who likes to facilitate in mocking those below myself, more of a God like characteristic.

I would list some examples of faceparty profiles that fit the bill but if you just use the browse facility on the site you would be able to see the overwhelming arrangement of monkey spankers for yourself!

by Erebos April 27, 2006

27👍 55👎