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A set of words used predominantly by men to refer to a person they assume to be a man in a friendly manner such as “dude”, “bro”, “man”, “guy” and others. They can also be used at plural to refer to a group of people not necessarily made up entirely by men, reinforcing male defaultism.

Advocates of these words defend their usage by saying they can be gender neutral too and they don’t disturb anyone, but that isn’t true as these words clearly are related to maleness in their origin and their colloquial use to refer to all people is male defaultism.

Also non-men do get bothered by this, but they don’t don’t say it most times because they don’t want to start an argument and misogynists might label them as “whiny”.

Tone down your brocabulary, you’re making me uncomfortable.

by EricG3139 January 5, 2023