Pronunciation: IPA /mai'speikə,hə,lik/
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: American registered trademark MySpace⢠+ -coholic (from modern English alcoholic)
1 : one who is addicted to compulsive and/or excessive use of MySpaceâ¢
2 : one who is unable to carry out normal daily tasks due to compulsive use of MySpaceâ¢
Damn, you joined MySpace only last week and you're already a myspacoholic... Get a life!
She's such a pathetic myspacoholic... She won't go to school or find a job, she just spends all her time in front of that damned computer!
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Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -ed/-ing/-es
Etymology: umphasis + -ize
a : to dissolve an Umph tablet into a drink
b : to caffeinate
Careful, that soda's umphasized!
Function: noun
Inflected form(s): umphases (plural)
Etymology: Umph (high-caffeine seltzer tablet) + -sis
a : dissolving an Umph tablet into a drink
b : heavily caffeinating a drink
Too much umphasis is detrimental to your health.
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Function: adjective
Etymology: tri- + decadal
: of or belonging to thirty years
He's turning tridecadal this Friday!
Function: verb
Inflected forms: miggled, miggling
Etymology: Modern English decontraction of MGL (Milpitas Golfland), a video game arcade in Milpitas, CA, US.
Intransitive senses:
1 : (M~) to go play at Milpitas Golfland
2 : to have fun at a video game arcade, often in a social setting with friends and other people
``Are you gonna Miggle tonight?''
``Oh, come on, you should come miggle with us some time, and beat Cynan's ass at Soul Caliber 2.''
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Past form/past participle of umphasize.
Yeah, I umphasized myself too much this morning... And I'm having a bad headache now. x_x
Umphasized Diet Ice = <3
Function: abbreviation or verb
Inflected forms: -ing, -ed
Etymology: twist on modern American English abbreviation âDUIâ (Driving Under the Influence)
dance/dancing under the influence
âHey, let's go DUI tonight!â
âDidn't you hear? DJ <xxx>'s back in town!â
âAh, sure thing!â
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