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Established in 1872, The Christian Brothers High School Band is not only a reference to one of the most important acclaimed high school band programs in the city of Memphis but is also the name of the offical "Oldest High School Band in America." It has had a continuous existence of 10 different band directors, the first being Br. Maurelian. The band is currently under the direction of Mr. Patrick Bolton. The CBHS Band program is consists of a Preformace Band, a Historic Band, a Jazz Band, Orchastra, and a Pep Band.

The Preformace Band, the most notiable of all the bands, has traveled all across America, has played for several Presidents, and has won many different awards throughout it's history.

The CBHS Band always seems to have the best music of the night when the football or basketball team plays MUS. Oh right, that's because MUS doesn't have a Band.

by EuphoniumKing2012 January 5, 2012

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