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Brass Knuckles

For slang terms, see Knucks,Nucks,Knuckle Duster, Knuckle Dusters

A very strong weapon, now-a-days made with high-impact plastics, or alloys. They are second and third rate brass knuckles. A true pair of brass knuckles is made purely of brass, and is going to be very expensive. It is a crime to carry around a pair of brass knuckles, they can easily shatter bones, tear skin, maim or kill someone. So, in essence, carrying around a gun or a knife is just as bad as carrying around a pair or two of those things.

Sadly however, this weapon is becoming a trendy fad. Today's Emo or Hardcore generation is wearing this mass marketed picture of a brass knuckle on every T-Shirt, Necklace, Hoody, Pair of Pants, Ring, Shoe, etc. available, and of course, the world is just soaking this up. The market is flooded with the image, because every cool kid in 8th grade has one!

So, out of ignorance, a deadly weapon is becoming trendy. Just as bad as those stupid Che shirts that every 12 year old communist is wearing, because they just know everything about politics!

Look there at that sick bastard, he just shattered that guys jaw and arm with one punch! Those Brass Knuckles sure are great right? That's why we have one on our shirt!

by Evan. February 13, 2008

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