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chicken hawk

when a male gets a typically female version of the mohawk, i.e. does not shave other hair fully, and mohawk does not extend past the scalp, they are said to have a chicken-hawk.

while the word is becoming a rarity, the look is generally looked down on by fervent punk rockers and kids who pose as such.

went i went to a local punk rock show, i got a mean song dedicated to me because i have a chicken hawk. but since they sucked anyway, i dont care.

by EviLCorey March 17, 2005

12πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

suck monkey

taken from Invader Zim, a suck monkey is any flavored frozen slush drink that can most commonly be bought in convenience stores.

brand names would be Slurpee, Slushy, Icee, ect.

lets search the couch for change and then go get suck monkeys from the gas station!

by EviLCorey October 27, 2004

29πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

fuckered up

extraordinarily intoxicated by any means

Joe found out the hard way that mixing pills and booze can get you fuckered up way too fast.

by EviLCorey September 10, 2003

18πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

dark aesthete

dark: Characterized by gloom; dismal

aesthete: One whose pursuit and admiration of beauty is regarded as excessive or affected.


dark aesthete: one whose appreciation or pursuit of dismal, gloomy, or otherwise morbid expressions of beauty is excessive or affected.

translation: mopey elitist 'goth'

please note, i dont consider the term goth to be a negative comment. i just know people who fit into this catagory, and oh boy are they irritating.

Claire started smoking clove ciggarettes. she changed her name to Raven. she writes poetry that does not rhyme, and usually ends in the middle of a sentance. she hates you, and everyone else.

behold, a dark aesthete.

by EviLCorey February 5, 2004

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

leave it to beaver

dont worry about it; it will be okay; chill the fuck out, son, youre screaming.

no one really says it. but if they did, they would probably be like 'Hey, leave it to beaver. its all gravy, baby.'

by EviLCorey December 24, 2003

72πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


one who enjoys intelectual conversation at dinner

Charles, a philosophy major, considered himself a deipnosophist, and shunned fast food resteraunts because of it.

by EviLCorey September 10, 2003

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

naked time

every night from midnight until 2 AM; the designated time for constant and semi-mandatory nudity regardless of sobriety or inebriation.

Take off that towel, its naked time!

by EviLCorey October 20, 2003

13πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž