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The feeling of sublime elation you experience when making up the perfect new word for a (generally obscure) situation.

I totally had a neoligasm the other day when I coined the term neoligasm. I nearly got neolijism on myself.

by Evil Architect June 7, 2011


The combination of democracy and capitalism frequently utilized in a very large North American country (and many others) that subverts the best aspects of both systems by allowing people with large quantities of money to buy legislation through the use of organizations like PACs and SuperPACs. Thus you get all of the market competition of communism coupled with the representatives who speak the interest and will of the public like fascism.

The current SOPA/PIPA debacle in the US Congress is pure democrapitalism. It's a prime example of a lobbyist group writing legislation and submitting it via their pet legislator.

by Evil Architect January 22, 2012

personal chaos injection engine

That thing or person in your life that appears to exist simply to make your continued existence more difficult. This can be a friend, family member, colleague, pet, or just your hoopty that makes your life difficult. This is differentiated from a simple issue in that it can't easily be eliminated without substantial cost and rather than passively irritating you the PCIE appears to thrive on creating more trouble.

My personal chaos injection engine decided the set all my clothes on fire last night because I deleted "The Bold Type" from the DVR.

by Evil Architect June 26, 2018


The sticky mess that erupts when you use your newly coined word or phrase too much before it becomes popular.

Jeff was trying to get everyone to use pusstastic to describe their girlfriends' degree of awesome, but really he was just getting smeared with neolijism.

by Evil Architect June 7, 2011


A simple random asshole who, for whatever reason, gets quoted as having a solution for some problem that you're trying to solve. This is meant to imply that Google'd answers to questions are not specifically valuable or valid merely because someone on the internet said so.

I'm definitely not switching from Android to iOS just because some RAOTI said "Iz bettersz!".

by Evil Architect June 26, 2018