As a native Russian I guess I should provide some corrections here.
1. Originally in the Russian language "Kremlin" 'kreml used to mean the central heavily fortified part of a town, with a moat and really strong walls of brick or stone.
Nowadays this connotation is still there, that's why one might say "Suzdal Kremlin", "Kremlin of Novgorod" etc...
2. Nevertheless, this notion is more widely used reffering to the Moscow Kremlin - the Residence of Russia's top officials, the President including. That's why by saying THE Kremlin you want to meat that very central part of Moscow nearby the Red Square (which means "the beautiful square, btw").
3.Metaphorically, referring to the Russian Government, cabinet and the State system (like Uncle Sam for the US) it's not used by the Russians, but only by foreing speakers, either for the reason of their ignorance/being reluctant to go into details, or for the reason they simply don't give a shit. (Americans mainly)))
4 Concerning the people potentialy spreading the "the Russian propaganda" i.e. "trolls/hackers/spies/Dr Evil" and such, its totally wrong to call them "Kremlins", cuz the Government of Russia also doesn't care for such type of shitty info-ops, so the ones that do it have nothing to do with Russia's government and/or secret services. That's rant, believe it or not)
- I've made some shit in the center of Kremlin, man. It was Suzdal Kremlin, though and I didn't take my pants down.
- Well, what happenes in Kremlin stays in Kremlin, so I guess you have to leave you pants there, dude.