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A very strange or odd occurance

"That masquerade was really vagrant!"

by Evildix October 28, 2004

35👍 65👎


Something great. See also "King Hussein" and "Oodly-do-do-sane".

"That wheelie was king"

by Evildix October 28, 2004

40👍 42👎

Ride my bike

A menacing term meaning to screw off

"You want me to do what? Ride my bike!"

by Evildix October 28, 2004

47👍 18👎


To ride around in a vehicle and harass or yell at people

"Come on, lets go menacing!"

by Evildix October 28, 2004

28👍 29👎


A legendary vehicle, especially if it's a 210 Hatchback

"Trips in that Datsun were incomparable"

by Evildix October 28, 2004

247👍 58👎