Salad fingers is a flash "cartoon" created by internet famous cartoonist, David Firth. This disturbing animated series is classified as a surreal psychological horror genre. It is based on a mutated humanoid whom is called "Salad Fingers". The series has no deffinate meening, however most likely takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, which derives from a "Great War" which most likely was somewhat of a nuclear holocaust. Salad fingers is the main charecter, and is shown in 8 short episodes. He is shown to be phsycotic and mentally ill as he enjoys the feeling of rusty object, and many strange textures, and also enjoys the feeling of pain and blood, which he calls the "red water". He suffers from psychosis, so he cannot tell the difference between real people and unliving objects. Throghout this series salad fingers meets other mutated people. Including an armless "BBQ" worker, an odd eyed child, and in episode 5 a seemingly normal un mutated girl who is the only other person to speak english in the series (which as a result drives salad finger to momentarelly go crazy). A major component to this series is the eerie music made by the Boards of Canada. It is an overall very disturbing series, and shouldnt be viewed by every one.
"I like it when the red water comes out."
"The feeling of rust against my salad fingers is almost orgasmic"
"Im here to enquire about your spoons."
"Marjory stewart baxter, u taste like sunshin dust."
"Rojer, i shalnt have you bellowing these frequincies at this late hour, upsetting my insides."
13👍 5👎