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It is Spanish or Latin for Bitch or Whore.

Person 1: Sup puta, how's shit going. bro
Person 2: Nothing bro, jus the usual shit.

by Ezeki-B April 2, 2021


The cloud platform where musicians and fans create music, collaborate and engage with each other across the globe

Person 1: hey, what u doing today

Person 2: I'm jus gonna make some music
Person 1: but how, u don't have any music equipment

Person 2: i got bandlab
Person 1: What is bandlab
Person 2: bandlab is the place where i create music
Person 1: okay cool

by Ezeki-B June 30, 2020


Something u say to let people know who featured or who the song is by

Intro = their artist/producer name

During a song

(an Artist/producer's Intro)

by Ezeki-B April 2, 2021