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Military Officer not having or showing the necessary skills to do their job successfully, yet promoted to rank of Commandant.
synonyms: inept, unskilled, amateurish, unprofessional, lacking ability, bungling, blundering, bag of ham, clumsy, inadequate, substandard, inferior, ineffective, deficient, inefficient, ineffectual, no good, not good enough, wanting, lacking, leaving much to be desired; incapable, unfit, unsuitable, unqualified, pathetic, cack-handed, ham-fisted, not up to it, a dead loss, not up to scratch, not know one's arse from one's elbow, couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery

If you keep breathing, you too will eventually become In-Commandant. Keep breathing!

by F1abg9! November 16, 2018