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It's where the world is against you and the feeling of wanting to break down and cry is lingering around everyday of your life, most of the time you cant even explain why or how. you're just depressed. its mostly because all your problems build up on top of you until it crushes you and you feel depressed. most of the time its confused with sadness or being a drama queen or even crying for attention.. this isnt always the case people could be screaming for help on the inside but people will just deny it and have you believe nothings wrong and you'll be ok you just have to think happy.. this happened to me.. when i was 9 i became fat and i was bullied for a long time then my parents divorced when i was 11, my dad is was a horrible person to the rest of us including my mum, after a while he became really horrible to me and had my little sister as his favourite to the point where she would ask and within a few days she had whatever she wanted, during all this i was stress eating making myself fatter.. ive been fat most of my life im now 13 and everything hs caught up to me like my stresses and my dark thoughts to the point of self harming and trying to kill myself... make sure if you are depressed you speak to someone google a hotline.... for under 19s use childline.. life gets a bit much sometimes but it will be okay i promise :)

Teacher: oh Faith? yes shes really changed.. she refuses to eat and wont join in with school activities
Counselor: she may have mild depression then, make sure to reassure her that it will all be okay

by FaithTheTrash June 11, 2018

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