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Faith is the most beautiful girl you will ever meet. She is literally so caring and will always wanna be there by your side. She will literally light up your day whenever you are sad. Everyday you wake up you will be the happiest guy in the world just knowing that she is in your life. Well basically i have been with her before and she was the best thing to ever happen to me so if she is in your life than you are extremely lucky. She will make you the happiest girl on earth and will make you never wanna forget her because of how perfect she is. She will be the most beautiful girl you will ever meet. She has the greatest personality . you will love her for the rest of your life and will probably wanna marry her.( like i did) but anyways she is just so perfect and is just the best girl in the whole world. She is just everything a guy could ever ask for. She will be so perfect for you that she will be your angel and just mean everything to you. She is a girl that will probably be your future wife so be prepared. I hope whatever guy she is with loves her as much as i did so plz treat her right.

Person 1- do you see that girl over there her name is faith
Person 2- omg isint faith just the most beautiful girl you have ever seen
Preston- omg yes faith is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen

Person 3- i wish faith was mine
Preston- well faith is mine buddy so you can go and sit down in the corner right over there

by Faithisbae December 2, 2018

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