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Meinhardt is exactly like it sounds, My Heart. A Meinhardt is very open with their kindness leaving their heart with anyone whos protected it. Loyalty and honesty are vital, once broken theres no return. Meinhardts are very blunt, however, never have illintentions. They are very strong willed and hard headed, never tell a Meinhardt how/what to do. A Meinhardt knows ins and outs of a project/situation before anyone else. This gift of entrepreneurship and engineering is consistaly used in daily tasks, tweaking. A pinky promise is everything, trust a Meinhardt, its against their motto to lie inside their circle. Meinhardts and Pigs (Police), may have confrentations, but both maintaine peace. Pigs know every Meinhardt in town, but Meinhardts always have a sway thatll get them out of anything. Good vibes cover Meinhardts regardless of legality. If it betters you, do it; if not, drop it. If a problem arises in someone, a Meinhardt is there to help. Self destruction is not a unfamiliar road for a Meinhardt, they fall often, but rise with people and spark hope in the hopeless. Meinhardts will always think of others hearts as their own. If a Meinhardt dislikes someone, there is a good reason. Meinhardts can read someones heart and soul as if it were their own. Trust a Meinhardts intuition they are rarely incorrect.

They are a Meinhardt family, no use in talking to them; they do what the Meinhardts do.

by Fam_Gang_WhatChuGot? October 11, 2020