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fall out boy

a band. if you like them fine, if you don't, fine. personally i don't and i've heard some songs, i'm not pulling that opinion out of my ass, like some of these retards. and they're not punk/emo. they are pop. most of the bashing retards wouldn't know emo if it stabbed them in the eye. emo is just another form of punk, not a bunch of pussies in girls' pants slitting they're wrists. i don't know what those tools are. and no need to be homophobic. you can express your hate for something without being a bigot. saying nothing but "gay", "fag", "queer" makes you look like a stupid, homophobic, asshole with no vocabulary, who therefore shouldn't be taken seriously. I've had to thumb down quite a few otherwise valid and funny defintions for being homophobic. not cool.

FanGirl:"OMG! LyKe.....FOB is so0o pUnk RaWk!"
Me:"No, not quite."
Homophobic Asshat:"Fuck Fag Out Boy! Emo faggots and they're gay ass shitty emo music!!"
Me:"Have you even heard 1 Fall Out Boy's of songs?"
Asshat:"Fuck no! I'm not listening to that queer fag crap."
Me:"So, how do you know they suck? Is it because most of their fans are girls? So, just because something is liked by girls it's worthless? Wow, a homophobe AND a misogynst!"
Asshat:"Miso-what? Whatever. Fuck emo fags."
Me: "Define emo."
Asshat:"...It's....those whiny little fags in girls' pants and makeup who.."
Me: "Wrong, tool. Why don't you go learn stuff for yourself instead of accpeting what MTV tells ou it is. I thought you didn't watch MTV?"

by FanGirlHater February 22, 2007

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