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tiktok idols

stupid bitches who swing their ass and play with their pussy to get views on TikTok. oh by the way, they gain more money than average people just by fucking themselves. they also watch pornhub 24/7

bitch 1: omg I love tiktok idols they are so sexy omg!!11!!1
normal person 2: this kid shouldn't be in this world! *pulls gun*

by Fartnite_kidpro88 May 24, 2022


Roblox but spelled wrong

Noob: It’s time to play some rogblox

Me: It’s spelt as ROBLOX, dumb fuck!

by Fartnite_kidpro88 October 6, 2021

osas fuck

fuck osas

person 1: omg fuck osas
person 2: yes osas fuck

by Fartnite_kidpro88 May 24, 2022



Fuck it chnai

by Fartnite_kidpro88 September 16, 2021

idiot classmates.

Something when your classmates are asains and they don’t know how to calculate 1+1. IDOIT CLASSMATES

Ah these fucking idiot classmates.doesn’t even fucking know how to calculate 1+1, fuck him.

by Fartnite_kidpro88 September 27, 2021