Source Code

Geriatric Roulette

Take a sleeping tablet and a laxative at the same time and if you wake up without shitting your pants you have won.

Bob: Want to play a game? how about Geriatric Roulette
Karl: Nah not in the mood to see if I shit myself in my sleep.

by FatGimp December 16, 2019

Beer Summit

It is where men will meet and possibly discuss anything of importance and possibly plan a resolution to the problem. e.g. bloke having missus problems, organising a road trip, pub crawl. These are commonly held friday afternoons either at a pub or a blokes place. Also can be held before sporting events, and anytime where it maybe deemed necessary. And Beer must be consumed.

Bloke texts his mates: Men we need a beer summit at corner pub this fri arvo.

by FatGimp July 29, 2009

123πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

Lets put another shrimp on the barbie

When either a stupid yank or pommy tries to be australian. By the time they have said it the aussie should have snapped the touro.

pommy: put another shrimp on the barbie
aussie: snaps him

by FatGimp February 5, 2005

87πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

slurry fart

It is the portmanteau from Sloppy and Curry. Slurry means a sloppy curry fart. Its when you follow through when you don't mean to, or when you just put to much pressure behind a fart and you end up shitting your pants.

bloke1: *sloppy fart sound*
bloke2: Tell me that was not a slurry fart
bloke1: I don't think i followed through though
bloke2: go check yourself

by FatGimp March 10, 2008

17πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Where all the Bieber fans kill themselves or get killed. It is a day of rejoice and faith in humanity to know that these certain beings are eradicated from our society.

NEWS: Bieber smokes weed.
Beliebers: we going to kill ourselves
Normal People: Yet another Biebercaust

by FatGimp January 8, 2013

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Snot Rocks

This is where from being in a dusty area, you form small rocks in your nose from the collected dust. They look similar to popping rocks.

Bloke 1: Man this stupid dust in sydney, given me snot rocks.

by FatGimp September 23, 2009

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

GILF rules

The GILF is a very sought after term.
A man to bed one will be KING of his group, and gloating rights will be established once validated.
These are the rules that are commonly followed when determining GILF.

1. Has to have a daughter that has a child already. Can be allowed to be less than one month from popping. But that is determined by the group.

2. Has to be of reasonable age. 45 is the start of the safe zone. This sounds stupid but I have known women to try and pass theselves off as GILF. Scrutiny is needed for 45>.

3. Photo is proof. When bedding a GILF you need to take an image using whatever methods are available, and there needs to be in the background or foreground some sort of identifiable object, that being a landmark or certain posters and so on, to be able to validate the bedding. Your location needs to match with the image, this is of utmost importance.

4. Phone number. Can be used as a substandard of proof. But you must be honest with the story. We can always call her and find out the real story.

5. Looks are important. No reward is paid out for any grandmother that is ugly and or fat. Alcohol is no defence. If you bed an ugly fat old chick, you will be humiliated in any and many ways possible, because that's your own fault.

Bloke 1: Remember the old girl i was talking to?
Bloke 2: yeah she was fine...a GILF I might add?
Bloke 1:*shows image of GILF in his room*...GILF Rules number 3.
Bloke 2: yeah i'll pay that
Bloke 1: mmmm...mmmm...mmmm...mmmm

by FatGimp August 25, 2009

53πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž