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Probably one of the sweetest girls you’ll ever meet. She plays guitar, is very talented, knows about any Alice In Chains song, and she probably loves raccoons or capybaras. They always have the prettiest brunette/ginger hair. If you ever meet a Robin, never ever let her go. They will always have your back and are extremely loyal. Robins always know how to make you smile! They make one hell of a friend or sister.

Person 1: Hey have you talked to Robin today?

Person 2: Of course I have! She’s so funny.

by FayeValentine<3 March 7, 2023

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A Cam is one of the sweetest boy you’ll ever meet. They are usually is seen working out at the gym, drinking monster, or listening to music in their car. Cams have the prettiest green eyes know to man and a smile that could light up a room in a heartbeat. They are super romantic too, although they try to hide it, they like the cheesy stuff you do for them. Cams are also very clean and shower everyday so they tend to smell amazing. Their voices are often deep and calming, hence why they are so great at calming people down. They are often very intelligent and creative as well.

Cams are very trustworthy and very loyal, you can tell them about anything! You never have to worry about them telling anyone. They become a safe place because of their caring nature.

Cams have a soft spot for the ones they love and always try to protect them. They will go out of their way to make you laugh and learn your interests just so they can buy you a gift relating to it, because deep down, they love when you're happy. They are highly observant and know when something is wrong in the instant as well. If you are dating a Cam, never let him go, they are a keeper with a heart of gold. Anything he does for you are done with good intentions and will always make time for you.

He will do anything and make you feel loved until your last breath. Be grateful you met a man like a Cam. He’s a keeper.

Person 1: Are you dating Cam?

Person 2: Yes, yes I am. I wouldn't trade him for the world.

by FayeValentine<3 March 8, 2023