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Airsoft vs Paintball

A massive flame was between players of two sports: Airsoft and Paintball. The arguments on the internet are very heated and fanboys are pretty much the entire population on both sides. Contrary to popular belief, paintball is not simply getting an ultra bright suit, and running around, there is such thing as woodsball, which is just as tactical as any airsoft game. Another common misconception is that airsoft guns are for fags who aren't manly enough to join the military. In reality, many veterans or current military servicemen play airsoft.

However, these two groups continue to slander eachother with the same arguments and will probably never reach a conclusion.

Paintball Fanboy: Hey airgay player, why dont you man up and get some welts playing paintball lol 1337 l33T s4uc3

Airsoft Fanboy: Because I dont run around shooting paint at other fags wearing spandex suits

Paintball Fanyboy: you just can afford paintball guns you poor ass pusssy

Airsoft Fanboy: You're just jealous fag

Sensible Person: Both of you are fags, shut up with your "Airsoft vs Paintball" NOBODY GIVES A FLYING FUCK

by FidelAsstro March 18, 2011

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