The Saarlooswolfhound was originaly bred by hte dutch breeder Leendert Saarloos in 1921. It is a strong imposing dog that has kept its wolf like appearance.
The Saarloos wolfhound was originaly a cross breed between a male German shepard and a female Eurasion Wolf. It si said that the saarlooswolfhound is only recommend for experianced owners.
the saarlooswolfhound can grown up to 30 inches at the shoulders and weighs up to 100lbs.
They are a very rare pure breed and can cost up to $2,000
"Dude you got a Saarlooswolfhound how much did that set you back?"
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A douche bag is:
A some thing a prostitue or any women uses to clean out their vagina after un protected sex.
B some one who is generaly not a very nice person and is nasty to every one around them. Generaly applied to guys but girls count as well.
Eww is that a douche bag.
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A sight hound with long, smooth hair. Thses dogs are very beautiful and although some people believe them to be stupid they are very intellegant. Some times they are compared to cats
Beautiful Afghan hound.
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A new song by Lady GaGa. This song has been published in her new album Fame monster.
It is turning outto be more popular each day.
I chillwed whilst listening to bad romance.
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A fictional character in the teenage mutant ninja turtles the next mutation series. Dragon lord is the King of the Dragon men who are humanoid dragons but i guess you already got that by now. Any way Dragon lord and his army called the Rank used to rule the worl until they got trapped in to a magical looking glass. However some 15 thousand years years later they find their way in to the Dream scape and from their they make it back to our world. Dragon lord then wants to eat the turtles in order to become all powerful.
Dragon Lord also likes to call him self the supreme thunder lizard. As does his back stabbing servent Wick
"This is supposed to be a childs show"
"Yer why"
"Dragon lord just said he wants to eat the turtles"
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A red headed character from Futurerama. He was frozen in the Year 2000 on new years eve. He was unfrozen 1000 years later. He then met Leela, bender and Dr Ziodberg along with a few other characters. In the the past he was a pizza delivery boy and his girl friend had just broken up with him. He hated his life and job in the past. Even though he again became a delivery boy in the future he claimed it was his was happy about that?? i don't know after all he is stupid.
In one episode he claimed that he had made out with a radiator 'girl' from the radiator planet, but to his disapointment and embarasment he was told that it was just a radiator lol.
"Dude Fry is my favourite character"
"because he's stupid"
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A small insect that attaches it's self to other living creatures and sucks their blood thus gaining the name pest. Ticks must be removed from the body or it will cause serious damage to the host such as blood loss. If ticks are found on animals it is best to get them to the vet asap.
Jessie a 9 week old puppy masstif was coverd in more then 1,000 ticks and if she wasn't found when she was she would of died of blood loss.
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