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ily beautiful

by miss keisha January 17, 2018

843πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


People believe that being beautiful is the same as hot, pretty or even sexy. It's not. True beauty is personality or something so pure - like the shine in his eyes when he talks about something he loves, or the way he dances when he's excited, or even something as simple as the look exchanged by two people who feel the same way. Beauty is all around you: it's the purest thing you'll ever see, like a californian sunset or a british countryside.

beauty is a difficult thing to explain because there is no one definition. beauty is everywhere and everything. If you look deep inside a person,you will see that they are beautiful-maybe not on the outside but on the inside.

Being beautiful is not about the physical features, it's about being you. If you are being true to yourself then you're beautiful. <3

"That sunset is beautiful"

"The way he smiles when he sees you is beautiful"

"Isn't life just beautiful?"

by Dude-I'm-fab September 13, 2013

627πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž



Look in the mirror.
You are beautiful.

by courtneymaeislove October 24, 2010

4725πŸ‘ 543πŸ‘Ž


Someone whose personality and physical appearance is considered extremely attractive to someone else

I find Justie extremely beautiful, not only is she really good looking, but she's also kind and funny. No wonder all the boys like her!!

by StarchyGod88 April 16, 2017

275πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


You’re a vision beyond a definitive description that can only be one of true beauty; a Beauty that exist on the inside as well as the outside. A heart of gold, a captivating body, a heartwarming smile, innocent caring eyes and a kind touch. Intellect beyond your years and an awareness of feelings others display only to themselves. There is only contentment and joy in your presence with a saddened emptiness when you’re away. You are a remarkable living example of how beauty is; defined.

You are a beautiful example of how a woman should be viewed.

by dm427 August 7, 2017

27πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Beautiful is when a woman can be herself. A woman who smiles all the time and never cares about what others think. A woman who is dying inside but is strong enough to let go of the pain and create a happy atmosphere for everyone. A woman who is not exactly sexually attractive but her face and personality can make your heart melt. A woman who is talented, smart and so different from every other girl.

Wow she's so different from all the other girls at school... she is so fresh, pure and just beautiful


202πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


Someone who takes your breath away everytime you see them. They are beautiful in everyway Looks, brains, and personality. Most people try to impress others but these people dont, they are true to themselves. They make your heart pound every time you are close to them. You would like to spend the rest of your life with them but it dosent always go the way you like, but even after all that you still admire them in everyway.

Clarissa is the most beautiful, breathtaking girl on this planet.

by PVT Nava April 29, 2010

188πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž