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Superhero inspired by a magistrate and the battle between the strong hold of authority and strong willed for freedom. With ally's rooted so deep even, mother nature herself. Hometown heroes 😎

Did you say "thank you" to
magī of wonderment for believing?

by Finnly December 7, 2023

Bad business

Selling a faulty item or ripping people off (disrespectful price gouging). Having no respect for your business or what you represent. RUNT

Bad business is unappreciated and unacceptable to most.

by Finnly December 7, 2023

Bad business

Selling a faulty item or ripping people off (disrespectful price gouging). Having no respect for your business or what you represent. RUNT

Bad business is unappreciated and unacceptable to most.

by Finnly December 7, 2023


A mixture of things in life of that just make a difference when the time calls. like doing a cannon ball off the diving board after consuming cornships salsa cream cheese and 2 sodas(shaken and not stirred)...Camikaze.

Comikaze? Have 2 more sodas and bellyflop off the diving board. Now that's a camikaze. To each their own flavor of fun... Whats yours?

by Finnly December 7, 2023


Clarity of speech and understanding as for no confusion or "misunderstanding".

Lucidious in business and in pleasure as for no confusion or "misunderstanding". Lucidiousness

by Finnly December 7, 2023

My person

My male figure in my life that may appear as a friend because that's what it is no matter what the "Status", boy friend or confidant.

Your person is making me steak (winter 2020?) I hit her with a bat because she was with my person then lied on me to the police about being 7 months pregnant (Arora "Melissa" Reyes in July then she sounded like faun schlosser (Rachel Watts sister) in August of 2021 when I returned to my tree spot to get my silver "NEXT" bike Kieth gave me and some other stuff) I just believe the definition of "my person" is complete...not saying I don't have a few other people...sirs and stuff. My person would most likely be a sir too in person!

by Finnly December 7, 2023


Xs and Os (hugs and kisses) 🤔😘😚🤣🤪😁😆😭


by Finnly December 7, 2023