Source Code


Invented by the one and only bobby

bo: "we should do it"
me: "why?"
bo: "because bbv wants us too"

by Fitzy December 14, 2004

23👍 105👎


It means anything and everything.
BBV is life!

Do it
Cause BBV comands it.

by Fitzy December 14, 2004

22👍 114👎


Scottish East Coast, Edinburgh and Dundee, means face in a derogatory

"Check the pus on that fucking howler, she's fucking hackett and her old man's the fucking nonce who took wee Georgie's doag up the closie for a ride"

"Eh'll bang your pus ya fucking cunt if yi touch meh wee sister again. Fuckin arsehole."

by Fitzy March 21, 2005

245👍 101👎