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Arabic word for "winner with the help of God/Allah".

A word used for mystical people with a dark and unknown past. They have the possibility to do anything if they put their mind to it. People are attracted to them. They have a very large leadership role to fill. Their followers are very loyal.

They can sometimes be jerks and assholes.

The coolest most swag person you will ever meet.

Someone that will keep secrets for you.

Person1: Did you here who won that medal this year.

Person2: No who?

Person1: Mansur

Person2: Didn't he win last year for something else?

Person1: Yeah he can do anything if he sets his mind right?

Person2: I heard he was a jerk sometimes.

Person1: He is still a cool friend though. Why do you think I hang around him.

Person2: I guess he is a person magnet.

Person1: A babe magnet too.

by Fixit1997 April 12, 2013

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