A nasty person who will support trump blindly, will likely abuse a female, and hates people who are different without even listening to reason
That retardican tried shooting me because I said that women deserve respect
7👍 1👎
Small town in nj where people pay taxes to have useless crap built and then the actual bad things happening in town don't actually get taken care of.
People drive like idiots and you must praise the people who work for the town or else they'll ruin your property
Did you see the new saddle brook town building? What a joke!
Shithole town in New jersey consisting of idiot drivers who don't respect people, nice people who don't pay attention to anyone, and at night it becomes a raceway.
It has very strange and strict laws such as, you aren't allowed to have concrete in your yard and trees are allowed unless it offends a karen or something
A horny and gay purple jackalope from the web series the bedfellows.
They live with their roommate sheen, and aggressive blue cat who swears alot
Fatigue is the best character on the bedfellows
A mass of land where people get shot and killed on a daily basis and the murders are praised
America is a joke
When you want to say the word dick but don't want to actually say it
One of the Most annoying medical conditions, you'll be in the bathroom a majority of the day and you can't cure it. But you can make it better with medicine and by not eating at all (because nearly all foods will trigger it)
I have crohns and I'm literally on the toilet writing this definition as we speak