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system of a down

One of the worse bands in the nu-metal scene. Yes. Nu-metal sucks. But not all nu-metal bands suck as as much as the axis of evil, slipknot, korn, SOAD, and some other shitty band I forgot.
It's actually amusing how some SOAD fans represented all "SOAD haters" as backstreet boy fans, or eminem/britney spears fans. Well, I'm not a fan of any of those above. But let me tell you this, the Backstreet Boys had a much larger impact on the 90ties pop music culture than SOAD had on any music scene in their whole career, and unlike SOAD, the Backstreet Boys have fucking talent.
And like SOAD is the "best metal band evar" or "omgz so hardcore", these posers and fugly faggoths are insulting the very air that metal fans breathe(although, it's a commonly known fact that 50% of the SOAD fans are the 9 million armenians around the world, regardless of what music they like, SOAD rocks(moar liek sucks), amirite?).

Faggoth:"Damn, Toxicity is so hardcore!"
Me:"Ever considered to wipe the smear of armenian cum off your ears and listen to some Kreator?"
Faggoth/Poser:"You asshole how can u insult SOAD I'm so gonna raep u kill u eat ur guts u fucker"

Poser:"System of a Down rocks!"
Any sensible person with taste in music:"GTFO."

by Flagofhate October 22, 2009

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