A situation where everyone votes on how to deal with an issue or situation. Then the person who calls for the vote decides without taking the voters considerations , and everyone else has to like it.
Chinese Democracy in action.
Person 1: What do we all want for lunch today. Lets take a vote?
Person 2: Pizza
Person 3: Indian food
Person 3: Mexican
Person 5: I want pizza too
Person 6: I'm cool with Indian food
Person 7: I could go got pizza
Person 8: I fancy tacos
Person 1: Well i'm ordering sushi
The phase beyond dry mouth. When you cannot even form enough spittle for spit. Your mouth is a vacuum from which nothing can escape.
Caused by smoking way to much of the devils lettuce without taking the necessary hydration precautions before sparking up.
Dude we should have brought a bottle of water with us I have aggressive space mouth.