Forget HCI just come to RI
Everyone thinks that RI is full of nerds but it fun af
no one likes RI because they just cant get in
also we have nice waffles
Hwa Chong: hahaha we are the best secondary school in Singapore oh ye
Raffles Institution: our canteen aint full of bird shit
Founded in June 1823 as the Singapore Institution by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who established the basis for our country's emergence as a major centre of mercantile trade. He sought to establish a premier educational institution that would serve Singapore well.
Very W latin motto, Auspicium Melioris Aevi - 'Hope of a Better Age'
There is this stupid misconception that all RI stusents are nerds. BULLSHIT I tell you
the only nerds are the very gay HCI boys who are salty they didnt get into RI
Forget HCI, RI is the best school now
HCI boys are just smart monkeys
the true L school, only knows how to ching chong ching chong every day
their canteen is full of bird shit and the food looks awful
the boys there are constantly high on drugs and always get into trouble
gay school
Hwa Chong so gay