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A made up substance that causes a black male (usually between the ages of 12-21) to act out of order.
The symptoms are typically crashing out, appearing drunk, slurring words, stuttering, or saying or doing the most random out of pocket shit.

Student 1: *Gets up and starts yelling the most outrageous opinions and hot takes ever known to humanity itself *

Student 2: *Whispers to student 3* "Yeah, he on that Niggatine"

Student 3: "Yeah, I can tell"

by Flompus Translator February 5, 2025


A word used to describe a silly or stupid situation.

Imagine if a situation you walk into leaves you completely dumbfounded.
You'd say

"What in the Bitchassniggery happening?"

Only black people can use this word, unless it is conformed that atleast Niggas give a Cracker the N-Word pass.

by Flompus Translator February 5, 2025


Any person of any age that Sexually Assaults or Rapes somebody by doing Diddy activities to them.

Friend 1: Where's Mr. Teacher at?
Friend 2: He's at jail
Friend 1: Why?
Friend 3: He was a Diddyphile, right?
Friend 2: Yeah, he was.... Freaky.

by Flompus Translator February 5, 2025


A person who is so dumb that their brain might've been restarted, was born yesterday, and is retarded

You see that trouble maker there? Shes probably Restarded.

by Flompus Translator February 6, 2025


The singular word for sheep

You see that Shoop right there? It's next to all the sheep.

by Flompus Translator February 5, 2025


A ghetto school that often has fights but has some amazing standout teachers.
It referres to any school but especially a school that has: Ghetto students, ghetto teachers primarily black and Hispanic students and staff, and some cool teachers and students.

Dude 1:You heard there was another fight?

Dude 2:Over at the Claremont? I know!

by Flompus Translator February 5, 2025

So Be It Onion

A misspelled version of Soviet Union

My Russian friend's dad was born in the So Be It Onion

by Flompus Translator February 5, 2025