You text them a couple questions and they respond usually with one word boring response. Such as "I'm ok" Also when telling them a story they text you back one word such as "oh" or "really" leaving you feeling like ok this person is a total bore and you really don't want to text them anymore. But it really sux cuz it's
A family member or a dumb text friend
I text idiot , Hi hru? What are you doing today? is your dog feeling any better today? Text response I'm good
A texter who sends a text to a person or group. Usually subject doesn't pertain to any previous subject talked about. Random text usually just whining about something pertaining to their day usually..Doesn't respond to other conversations. They usually ghost when you respond to their plight and disappear
You Hi I made a great lunch anyone want to stop by? Drive by texter OMG I had a terrible day at work.. You what happened? Drive by texter I was sweating all day. You Wanna stop by for lunch? Drive by texter , doesn't answer
Dope pusher is like a salesman, who tries to get you to buy his drugs and get you hooked on them so you'll come back for more . Basically the scum of the earth. Don't do it.
Looking for a good high? I've got just what you need. This is what a drug dope pusher does