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Over-exaggerating, usually to try and prove and point in a argument.

(That's a reach / You reaching)

Person: Thanos can beat Thor and Odin said thor is stronger then him so that means Thanos can beat Odin.

Person: "Bro you Reachin."

by FonutYt October 11, 2021

2👍 1👎


lacking a warmup, temporarily rusty due to inactivity.

Person1: "Bro you missing your shots."

Person2: "I just got on im cold, need to warmup."

by FonutYt October 11, 2021

No Lie

To be serious or telling the truth.

A newer version of this phrase is "no cap".

Person1:" Bro when you gonna give me back my 5 dollars."

Person2: "No lie bro i got you on Wednesday."

by FonutYt October 11, 2021


incredibly angry or tilted.

Person1:OMFG i just got zero to death.

Person2:Bro you STEAMIN!

by FonutYt October 11, 2021