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bubblegum movie

A movie that is remaniscent of bubblegum. Suspense is built up through insane twists and upping of the ante, only to have the whole thing blow up in the end with a craptastic cop-out ending.

After seeing that bubblegum movie, Matrix Revolutions, I felt insulted and violated.

by Forseti January 8, 2007

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Being in the process of having an erect penis.

She grabbed his crotch and realized she made him pointy.

by Forseti April 13, 2006

282πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž

banana basket

Underwear, as they are used to store a man's banana.

Dude, your dick just popped out of your banana basket.

by Forseti April 20, 2006

20πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Usually airborn. Something you withhold from people you care a shit for.

Whatever that bitch does, I don't give flying fucksicle.

by Forseti April 13, 2006

9πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


A pathetic person who gets slapped around due to incompetence.

Okay, slapnuts, now kiss the floor.

by Forseti April 10, 2006

27πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

dain bramage

What you get when you have killed enough brain cells to not be able to say "brain damage" properly. Courtesy of The Simpsons.

I drank a bottle of bleach last night, so it's a wonder how I didn't get dain bramage

by Forseti April 11, 2006

89πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


Mangina - a derogatory term for a male who does not deserve to be called a real man by virtue of his attitudes, beliefs, and behaviour towards women.

Basically, any "man" who does not give women the respect they deserve. Includes a variety of groups like sexists, wife-beaters and cheaters.

You - Hey, did you hear Steve broke up with another girl because he thought she was getting fat?
Me - Man, that guy is such a mangina, I don't know why we hang out.

by Forseti May 4, 2009

8πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž