Source Code

Booger King

Slang for “Burger King”

Kid: Mom, can we get some booger king?
Mom: No, gross.
Kid: But I like whoppers.

by Fortnite1500 April 19, 2019

2👍 2👎

Darth Vader

The most feared man in Star Wars known for Force-choking people and the breathing

Oh my god, if you annoy me one more time, I’ll have Darth Vader Force Choke you.

by Fortnite1500 February 26, 2020

Ugandan punch

An act of assault where you sucker punch someone directly in the Nose. Same idea as the Indian burn.

I’m gonna give patty an Ugandan Punch

by Fortnite1500 February 20, 2022

White boy

A kid who’s white

Watch yo mouth, white boy

by Fortnite1500 October 7, 2020

2👍 2👎


A hypothetical Covid variant of interest discovered in India. This variant may be more transmissible then Delta and more resistant to vaccines but further evidence is needed.

I hope Pi doesn’t become Dominant

by Fortnite1500 November 20, 2021


A hypothetical Covid variant of high consequence first detected in Guatemala. It is showing similar characteristics to the Chi variant such as killing 1 in 5 infected people but it’s also more contagious making it even more dangerous.

The boy was hospitalized with the Psi Covid variant

by Fortnite1500 November 20, 2021

Jim Wonga

The smartest man in the universe

I dare u to say "Jim Wonga" a thousand times and you'll summon the world's smartest man

by Fortnite1500 November 22, 2020