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“Self-assigned hiatus from the politics forum” on an online bulletin board.

“Man, I can’t take this lunatic any longer, I’m going to take a SAHFTPF"

by Frabjous December 19, 2013

logorrhea digitalis

Diarrhea of the keyboard; vainly spewing vast quantities of keystrokes into the digital void.

He really distinguishes himself from the masses with his constant logorrhea digitalis on the forum.

by Frabjous January 8, 2014


- adjective; bad typing, especially on a computer; full of grammatical errors, misspellings and misused punctuation.
cacography, bad handwriting from caco- bad + -graphy writing Latin -graphia, from Greek -graphiā, from graphein, to write; Indo-European root gerbh

dactylography - noun; touch-typing dactyl- A finger, toe, or similar part or structure; a digit. Middle English dactil, from Latin dactylus, from Greek daktulos, finger, toe, dactyl (the three syllables of a dactyl being likened to the three phalanges of a finger ). + -graphy writing. The more common meaning for dactylography is fingerprint identification)

“His postings on the online bulletin board were so cacodactylographic as to be frequently amphibolous and on occasion nearly unreadable.”

by Frabjous March 18, 2015