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I see

A phrase someone uses when they don't care enough to engage in conversation. Normally makes the receiver of the phrase stop conversing until the other individual decides to be alive again, which this point they are forced to come up with something to appease the other individual in the conversation. When someone uses the phrase it usually donset make sense and induces frustration, instahate, the urge to stab someone, brings friendship in to question, makes the recipient feel more alone than they actually are, and in some cases it has been known to cause people to rage online making definitions for the phrase to express how it makes them feel...............!!

Person 1: Hey man, I just found my meaning... my reason to live.. I finally found something to live for..

Person 2: i see.

Person 1: ...

Person 2: ...

Person 1: yeah.. I have eyes to, I.. can also see..................

Person 2: i see.

Person 1: ...

Person 2: Finally got that game you've been obsessing over XD...

Person 1: ............. i see........fuck you man...... fuck... you

Person 2: i see.

by FrankTheSpider February 25, 2015

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