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French Horn

frenCH ˈhôrn
The act of fellatio on a man (classically of french origin or descent) while simultaneously inserting one's hand into their anus in analogous fashion to the manner in which the musical instrument is played.

Marcel had a very severe erection when he gave Gaston a french Horn.

by FrenchStewartHorn December 16, 2017

62👍 10👎

French Horn of Africa

frenCH ˈhôrn of æf rɪ.kə
The act of fellatio on a man (classically of African origin or descent) while simultaneously inserting one's hand into their anus in analogous fashion to the manner in which the musical instrument is played.

Lattrell had a very severe erection when he gave Demarcus a french Horn of Africa

by FrenchStewartHorn September 11, 2023