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stoner move

when potheads lose their most essential belongings because they are high or because they get high on a regular basis. the missing item is usually found in either a random place (such as the refrigerator), or the most obvious place. also, anything dumb and careless that people do when they're high. not to be confused with a hippie dance move.

Stoner: Dude, I was looking everywhere for my keys after i wake n baked, then i found them in my pocket, but i totally missed class.
Roomate: That is such a stoner move

I pulled a stoner move last night when i left my bowl in my dad's car

by Friend-of-a-friend December 23, 2006

30👍 8👎


Midwestern term for mid-grade weed. Term describing how buds are more tender than shwag, but not crystalized like kind. AKA middies. Typically used in Ohioan and Western Pennsylvania stoner dialects. Not to be confused with people who don't know anything about weed. Weed that costs $30-$40, depending how nice your friends are.

Stoner 1: "Dude you got any kind?"
Stoner 2: "No, but I got some tendies, man"
Stoner 1: "At least it's not schwag"
Stoner 2: "Wanna go see Hookah?"
Stoner 1: "Nah."

by Friend-of-a-friend December 22, 2006

31👍 149👎


Code name for underage girls. When a young, drunk annoying girl hits on your boyfriend and tries to make herself sound desirable by continually saying she only weighs 108. Girls who brag about being light as air. Girls who repeat their low weight repeatedly when drunk to impress a guy who's taken. Skinny girls who don't have a chance with your boyfriend.

108: "Justin, can I sit on your lap? I'm only 108!"

108: (talking to friend in earshot your BF) "Then I was like, Doctor, that scale is so wrong. I mean, I'm only 108!"

GF: 108 totally hit on Justin all night and bragged about how she only weighs 108.

by Friend-of-a-friend December 22, 2006

23👍 45👎


Nickname for the Ohio hippie band Ekoostik Hookah. Fans often shout: HOOOO-KAAAH. Band who biannually holds Hookahville festivals, where a bunch of hippies young and old, shady people dressed like hippies, and preppy college kids dressed like hippies party for 2 days with only a couple second-rate other acts (except keller and bela fleck). Band whose strong roots are in Ohio, but who tried to make it nationally and did not succeed. Also played frequently on Sirius' Jam-On. Not to be confused with a smoking contraption, because it totally doesn't relate.

I was tripping balls at Hookah.

Fans 1, 2, and 3: HOOOOOO-KAAAAAH!

by Friend-of-a-friend December 22, 2006

20👍 104👎