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dave matthews band

A motley crew of has been roots rock "musicians" who think that playing seventeen instruments at the same time somehow makes them musically competent.

Few people know that Kurt Cobain killed himself because he heard the song "Ants Marching" by Dave Matthews band playing on the radio.

by FriendlyWalrus June 16, 2007

379👍 430👎


A marijuana blunt/spliff filled with 2+ grams of herb. Often requires multiple papers/leaves to make.

Silly bitch, your thc tolerance is no match for me, don't you know who the fuck I am? I'm the Juggernaut!

by FriendlyWalrus August 7, 2006

14👍 33👎


Marijuana grown outside, usually without the aid of hydroponics, nutrient regulators, and other modern amenities used to grow marijuana. Outdoor buds have a varying range of quality, since it all depends on the conditions of the environment during the plants life.

A: Got any more haze, dude?

B: I'm all out, man. But we can try this outdoors shit I've been growing in my backyard...

by FriendlyWalrus July 17, 2006

19👍 25👎