Noun (plural Scratchers) A person on or a person in the Scratch community of
There are 44,974,769 Scratchers registered so far on Scratch.
A special group at Stantonbury International School for people with difficulties and where it is easy to concentrate in all the lessons. The group was set up by Mrs Major. Although there are some students in there who don't behave very nicely and behave very rudely, but there are some who are nice and respectful.
Teacher: Hey you, you won't be in my tutor group anymore, there is another group set up for you.
Me: Wait what is the group?
Teacher: It's called Thrive-A and you will be in there forever now.
Me: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! But there are students who are not well-behaved or respectful.
Teacher: You'll have to deal with it, I'm afraid.