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Kevin is your typical holier-than-thou Christian virgin that makes terrible jokes, loves quoting Star Wars and only has "friends" on discord. He'll worm his way into some type of weird friendship with you until he eventually has access to some of your social media. After that he'll post things on discord to make it seem like he's real buddy buddy with the people he now snaps or has on facebook(lol) even to the point of it potentially doxxing them. But he doesn't give a shit because he's Kevin. He also guilt trips you when you aren't giving him enough attention, and holy shit does he require a lot of it. He's basically a high maintenance girlfriend that doesn't do anything for you.

Oh yeah and ladies he's single! He just thinks vaginas are gross enough to not want to touch them and requires you have a hefty set of tits. I'm sure one of you gals out there would love this hunk by your side.

Did you hear what Kevin did today?
No, what is it?
He just posted a full name dox then blamed it on somebody else baiting him...
You'd think with his high Christian values he'd know better than to do that to somebody regardless

by Fstarter May 8, 2019

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