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Franklin Lakes

A shitty town in New Jersey with no sense of community and no fun anywhere. The only fun you have is watching the deer eat your flowers in the backyard. There’s no downtown and nothing to do. Everyone just goes to Ridgewood or NYC to have a good time. At FAMS (the middle school) everyone is mean and a lot of the kids in town don’t like each other. Ramapo High school isn’t bad but Indian Hills High school has a drug problem and is super sketchy. All the weird Flakes kids pick Indian Hills. The parents in the town are chill and all but there’s no sense of kindness and community within the kids here. If you have kids and are thinking about moving to franklin lakes, please don’t. Your kids will hate you for it. Growing up in this town sucks and it’s only fun when ur an adult who can drive.

You’re town is so boring, you must live in franklin lakes

by Fuckflakes July 5, 2019

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