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Wabash Indiana

Wabash is the 'FiRsT ElEcTrILy LiT CiTy In ThE WoRlD' so they say. They say that to cover up all of the Child molesters, drug abusers, pregnant teens, and poverty rate. The best part of wabash is the high school. Take one breath in the boys restroom to instantly get nicotine high because the children there cant live one seccond without there juul Not to mention good ol'Gump. He loves to party and hit his wife. *GUMP IS A MADE UP NAME TO NOT GIVE OUT HIS REAL IDENTITY*

Wabash Indiana is hell.

by Fuckyea69 June 26, 2019

14👍 2👎

Peru Indiana

Ahh, good ol' peru indiana... where do I start. Maybe the Circus because that seems to be the only good thing this town can provide. We love the circus. We see abused kids do what they are forced to do a short time of the year. And dont get me started on the high school. Put there shitty sports teams aside they are stuck with a child molester teacher named Mason Zimmer along with the school board who let him teach another day.

I got molested in peru Indiana

by mr zimmer

by Fuckyea69 July 14, 2019

6👍 2👎