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Morning wood

When you get a boner in the morning (mostly at 6:00 AM)

Man i got that Morning wood this sucks
now im horny
i gotta check my sock and computer
*30 mins later*
Ah, satisfied.

by FunniManHeHeHeHa March 16, 2022


When someone is annoying you or takes the side of someone else. or consistently arguing with you and always calling you 'wrong' or stupid' Commonly used when someone is making targeted comments toward you.

Friend 1: Man why are you so fat man? like bro is feasting every day gah damn.

Friend 2: Hop off my dick bro, why tf are you Meatriding?

by FunniManHeHeHeHa October 25, 2023

33👍 40👎

Call me Asparagus

Words spoken by DJ Khalid to mean that you're specifically hungry for asparagus that day

DJ Khalid: Call me asparagus
You: All alright let me get some asparagus for you.

by FunniManHeHeHeHa September 27, 2023


hes ya homie, hes chill and listens to music bc why not. Hes a tree and likes exploiting his height. he has mostly short and weird friends, probably likes singing, hangs out with popular guys as the sort of front shield for them to calm down arguements, wears hoodies almost constantly and has some stolen by girls he knows, and doesnt wear shorts, hes not a shorts person, and is single because the homies are better then women

Oh yo homie karsten wussup cracker how you feeling brother, another girl steal yo sweatshirt?

Ye bru some girl asked for it and i havent gotten it back so eh

anyway you got a date for dance

nah bruh i got you bro the guys gonna go there and fuck that party up people gonna have whisky frfr

by FunniManHeHeHeHa May 25, 2022