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the absolute best game ever, if you disagree then that's because you're just a buck!

"bro changed is such a trash game, how could you enjoy it?"
"that sounds like something a coon would say!"

by FurryFucker445 August 30, 2023

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Changed Rule 34

Pure beauty.

"Hey teacher, try googling "Changed Rule 34"!"
"hehe, she's gonna get trolled XD"
"what is wrong with you my student? why do i see some animals mating?"

by FurryFucker445 August 9, 2023

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A cringe and racist faggot that is against furries; they are commonly found on youtube with some nazi wannabe looking ass pfp, they usually mention their weird fetish on videos that aren't even related to furries. you'll most likely only find them on youtube shorts since they are 7-12 year old kids with a short attention span that got brainwashed into becoming a nazi. i mean, it's really messed up how they just get pushed into these insane trends. but hey, if you are an anti-furry, you can go suck my tiny dick you furry in denial. but i also found some pedophiles that simp for anti-furries(yes they actually exist), and to those same pedophiles, the anti-furry community isn't gonna let you hit, stop simping over them nigga, you can go say "oh the anti-furry community is gonna laugh at your cringy statement!1!111!1" but no they fucking aren't, they are so sensitive that speaking the honest truth gets them all pissed off and stuff, speaking of truth, they can't even argue, i saw some guy that kept saying "oh furries are bad", and when i asked him why, he kept saying "i don't need to prove it", and he kept thinking he was some genius or some shit. but yeah, you don't need to have hate in your heart. just admit that you're a furry so i can fuck you already...

anti-furry: hey, i am anti-furry!
furryfucker445: doesn't that make you a racist?
anti-furry: the fuck you mean?
furryfucker445: well, it's all based off one question, why do you hate furries?
anti-furry: because they're cringe and sussy
furryfucker445: well, using your own logic, you are a racist because you assume that all black people are cotton pickers that love chicken
Anti-furry: N-no that isn't true!!!!
furryfucker445:shut the fuck up

by FurryFucker445 July 21, 2023

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Someone who has a big booty

"bro did you watch alex in harlem?"
"yeah bro he had such a BIG booty bruh, it almost made me gay"

by FurryFucker445 August 4, 2023

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The best game ever.


"Yo bro what's The best game ever.?"
"It's obviously Changed"
"what's Changed?"
"Listen here you slacker, google the game. I'm not gonna waste my breath because someone is lazy."
20 mins later...
"I googled it up and it's pretty dogshit."
"The game is dogshit? how about kill yourself."

by FurryFucker445 October 21, 2023

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I'm the Goat

by FurryFucker445 August 11, 2023

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Katana Zero

"Bro katana zero is so underrated, i wish more people would recognize it!"

by FurryFucker445 August 9, 2023