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A word used to describe the force. Almost like a spell to make somhting work. Like "open sesame" can be replaced with Shabadoo.

While pointing your finger at a skipping CD yell "Shabadoo" and it will stop skipping.

by Future Society June 30, 2006

18👍 33👎


The noise a guitar makes by sliding from one note to another note, and then back to the original note in one quick notion

The beggining of "I lied my Face Off" by Alkaline Trio is a Fwananow

by Future Society June 30, 2006

2👍 3👎


A word used to describe marijuana ; either as just the substance or the act of smoking.

Lets go smoke some jumanji. Wheres the Jumanji. Lets go play Jumanji

by Future Society June 30, 2006

15👍 20👎