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Being up yourself or thinking you're above/better than everyone else. A descriptor of someone you may know who has now gotten ideas or behaviours that would have previously been believed to be above their station.

"Did you see Sorcha's picture on Facebook? CAVIAR?! Absolute notions. And she from Ballybackarseofnowhere? Was far from Caviar she was raised."

by mmuty January 6, 2018

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basically a bigger word for idea.

"I had the notion that you'd make me change my ways" - The Spill Canvas

by Steph Duke August 30, 2006

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No Notion

The complete and utter lack of a plan, motive, or goal.

The Joker wakes up having no notion of what to do with the next 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds of his existence... "Let's Rob a Bank."

by deadaswell November 2, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A stupid idea

"Brussel sprouts ketchup, Where did they get that notion from"
Also sufficent to simply state "Fuckin notions"

by Dermod87 December 25, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A particular type of item sold along with lotions at Playtime Boutique.

Do they mean lotion?
-No, they have both lotion and notion on the board.

by not-reid November 25, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Notion Sickness

The feeling you receive when an idea is so bad it makes you physically ill.

Man, hearing that they're making another Smurfs movie gives me notion sickness.

by Grefaldo Swanson October 22, 2012

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Haven't a notion

Term used to explain that your just not gonna do it!

Teacher:right david,do ur work an be quiet!
David:miss,I Haven't a notion.
Teacher:get to the principals office.........now!
David:Haven't a buck apes notion.

by Jonnysheridan December 13, 2007

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