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lazy ninja

Typical UPS driver that is too lazy to ring the doorbell for a home delivery, but somehow mysteriously (using ninja stealth skills) leaves a notice on the door without you noticing even though you were waiting right there for the entire day for that delivery.

"Man, I was supposed to received my new bun bun from Amazon.com today, but that lazy ninja got past the door and claimed he attempted delivery"

by FuzzyBB April 14, 2009

184πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


Posts spacey things that make you go "wtf?". He must be as high as a kite, and with the grammar of a 5 year old.

Fighter of NightDarker.

spaceman: so vegetablr stock comes from the bones of what vegetables?

by FuzzyBB July 25, 2009

176πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

pointy elbows

A stock reply to the question of whether a woman is hot. Either the guy is being sarcastic, or he is gay.

Guy1: Dude, I would so hit Jessica Alba multiple times until she cried for mercy.
Guy2: Meh, she has pointy elbows.

by FuzzyBB July 19, 2009

311πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž


The nemesis and polar opposite of spaceman, and a known gatorade fiend. Writes in barely comprehensible ebonics.

May in fact be spaceman himself, or merely a clone gone bad.

Fighter of the NightDarker man
Champion of the sun
YouҀ™re a master of weird posts and snowmenҀ¦for everyone

by FuzzyBB July 25, 2009

72πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž