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Preppy. Tricky little word. I think im gonna start with dictionary.com's definition:

A student or former student of a preparatory school.
A person whose manner and dress are deemed typical of traditional preparatory schools.

Obviously the definition that is more commonly thought of is the 2nd one. (even tho its a noun. nowadays, "preppy" is thought more of an adjective, rather than a noun. more of that will be explained later) However, when someone thinks of "preppy" nowadays, they think differently. the "prep look" (in the olden days) consisted of a suit, smartly done hair, and expensive shoes. (only rich people could send their kids to prep schools) these "prepies" no doubt behaved and dressed in a different maner than kids who had regular educations. when the word "preps", "preppy", "preppies" etc, started to be introduced into mainstream america, the meaning somehow changed from the traditional meaning, just as other things change, to the meaning today. "preps" started to be a word for people who dressed and acted a certain way (much like the old preppies). preps act "preppy". nowadays, the prime sign of a "prep" for a girl is someone who wears polos (always with the collar popped up), skirts (sometimes mini), or light-colored pants with a white ribbon belt or something similar, comfortable shoes (like tennis shoes), pearls, ponytails most often with a ribbon, or hair blow dried straight, and usually no makeup. their nails are kept nice, sometimes manicured with french tips or in a light cheerful color. black is almost non-existant in their wardrobe. conversly, pink and green are the main colors in their wardrobe, followed by white, blue, and red. same goes with men. however, some people do differ on some of these "signs of a prep". (example, a prep may wear a lot of makeup, or wear uncomfortable shoes) for boys, the polo is his only style of shirt (again, of course, with the collar popped), his pants always consists of cargos/khakis, and he wears loafers/comfortable shoes. their hair is short and neat (most of the time. there are, like the girls, variations on what "preppy" is). common clothing brands/stores preps are sure to wear are: ABERCROMBIE (a BIG one), charlotte russe, express, h&m, locoste, and tommy hilfiger, just to name a few. all clothes are worn in a "fitted" manor. (the girls wear tighter clothes than the boys tho) they all act in a snobbish manner. they exclude people who are not in their "exclusive" group. smartness, however varies from person to person. (usually, the preps in the olden days were smart b/c they went to actual prep schools.) however, the preps these days can be found in any (im gussing all) public schools, starting from, even, elementary schools. as the grades get higher, the preps get more and more noticeable. they also get meaner and meaner. preps (like their old counterparts) are reasonably rich (though maybe not that rich; but they certainly are NOT poor). preps are usually good to fairly good-looking. as always there are exceptions. i am not trying to be racicist, but they are usually caucasion. on some occations, there are blacks and asians. and on very rare occasions, hispanics. (that was meant to be a joke. please dont take that very seriously-about the hispanics part) preps also tend to have blonde hair and blue eyes. they must always travel around in packs, especially the girls. if there is a group of less than 3 (at the very least) they consider that "uncool". and when they do travel around in packs, they must be very loud and giggly and take up 3/4 to all of the hall space, forbiding anyone trying to get through them. teasing or taunting people not in their group is a normalcy. usually, they pick on "geeky", "dorky", "neerdy", "socially inept", etc peers. the girls use words that are so razor sharp that they actually might cause another girl to kill herself. the girls only talk about gossip. the boys are more physical, especially in the gym locker rooms. they might use their towels to snap them at other students, but that is not the furthest they will go to physically torment their peers. they usually come from excellent families, whose parents love them and parents that actually acted the same way like them in high school. preps' parents tend to have a blind eye towards their activities. preps go to the mall every week (at least) and watch tv shows such as The O.C, TRL, etc. most often they are in relationships with members of the opposite sex within their groups (sometimes refered to as "cliques"), and lose their virginities prior to graduating high school. Sometimes the girls talk a certain way that can annoy the hell out of you. (ex. "oh. my. god. she said that?? omg. i am like, so pissed now, like, i could kill her, like, u know, i hate her! like, she shouldnt have said that, like, who does she think she is??? its almost if shes like, prejudice or something, like, like i dunno, like,like, rasist." --in respose to a girl who said "better pull up those gucci pants") preps tend to use "like" in their everyday sentences as if it were the word "the" or "I". the point is, they use "like" a LOT. the hc king and queen, the prom king and queen, the class and school presidents, anything that involves student body elections, a prep will always be them (as student body elections are always a popularity contest). the reason they win is b/c anyone excluded from their group are always wanting to be accepted. the teachers love the preps. one surefire way of telling who a prep is, is if they do school sports, and more immportantly which sport they take. for girls... CHEERLEADING. its a good excuse to wear short skirts and wave pom poms. (we all know what those pom poms mean! jkjk...) they wear ribbons in their hair and do the splits. its the all american sport. almost all cheerleaders are preps. tennis is also a VERY preppy sport. laccross may be preppy for girls, but as the sports get dirtier, they get less preppier. for boys, LACCROSS is the prime sport. since boys will be boys, getting a little dirty is ok. tennis is also a preppy sport for male preps. football may be played by male preps. the preps will give their letter jackets to their girlfriends to wear as well. a prep's mentality is, high school will last forever, therefore, they think only about having fun and becoming prom queen, or being voted, "most popular". i could go on and on about what makes a prep and prep, but that would take a very long time. however, i would like to leave with this note: all in all, when all is said and done, its the person's attitude that makes him/her a prep.

A typical preppy girl wears pearls, polos with the collar popped, a skirt with a ponytail and a ribbon in the hair.

A typical preppy boy wears polos as well with the collar popped and khaki pants.

They both shop at Tommy Hilfiger and think they are so cool.
(haha, but they're not)

by G.Y. December 30, 2005

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