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The act of grabbing one's hand and rubbing your fingers agains the back of their hand.

My friend and I greet each other with a friendly friskay every day.

by G1LB3RTandCUBBY July 12, 2011

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Bag of Skittles

A large group of homosexuals who are wearing multicolored clothes.

Hey dude, look at that bag of skittles!

by G1LB3RTandCUBBY July 12, 2011

11πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

The Shiner

The shiner is a guy/girl who has it all: Looks, Personality, etc.. They are beautiful on the inside and the out, and are meant to be with you forever.

CUBBY-"You and that chick are really close."
G1LB3RT-"I know, I'm pretty sure she could be the shiner."

by G1LB3RTandCUBBY July 14, 2011

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God's way of brutally torturing and tormenting you until he decides to smite you.

G1LB3RT: So, so much shit has happened to me, I'm homeless, my whole family has died or disowned me, and all my friends are gone....

CUBBY: I swear man, it's this whole "Life" thing.

by G1LB3RTandCUBBY January 28, 2012

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Pay Day

A gargantuant penis with a layer of large bumps around the shaft.

Don't touch my pay day, its for my girlfriend!

by G1LB3RTandCUBBY July 12, 2011

14πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


The act of being owned or dominated by a small horse.

"Did you see that kid get defeated in an epic pwny?"

by G1LB3RTandCUBBY July 12, 2011

18πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Bear Chug

To drink honey straight out of a plastic bottle shaped like a bear.

It was getting late and we were out of snacks, so grabbed the honey and did the bear chug.

by G1LB3RTandCUBBY July 13, 2011

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